Well, I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year and many blessings for 2009. I am looking forward to this year and hoping it will prove to be a better year for our family than this past year. Not that I haven't been blessed because I have been blessed beyond words. We have just been challenged more this year than ever. But by the grace of God and having faith that He will bring us through was enough for me. But you know we always think or wish things were better than we have it when there is always someone out there that has more difficult challenges than we do. For instance a blog that I follow over at http://ashleyadamsjournal.blogspot.com/, is about this sweet little girl that struggles with rejections from a bowel transplant. If you have a chance please say a prayer for this precious little girl and her family. Her mother is by far one of the strongest women "I know". Then there is the blog that I follow over at He will carry me at http://sgirl79.blogspot.com/ where this sweet couple has suffered the loss of their first child. Their faith has carried them through this difficult time in their lives. I could go on and on but I just wanted everyone to know that I am grateful and thankful for all the blessings that He bestows upon us. But being the human that I am, I seem to find things that "could" be better when in reality I couldn't be more blessed.
Now on to New Years Day which happens to be my birthday. I don't really get into celebrating my birthday because I just don't require all the hoohaw.... but it is nice to be remembered by a "Happy Birthday" from my sweet children and other family. That is all that matters to me. I do love to have a celebration for my children's birthdays to let them know how much we love them and how special they are to me. My boogs (hubby) always requires a cake if nothing else. I'm not really a cake person unless it comes from Pulix. I love their cakes!!! YUMMMY!!!
So tomorrow I will be very happy and content to be home, relax, drink my coffee and maybe read a book. How about you?? How do you celebrate your birthday??
So Happy New Year to my new Blog Friends!!!
Indoor Planters for Spring Plants
7 hours ago