Wednesday, May 26, 2010



My PawPaw and Granny Williams. This is my dads side of the family.

Our FamilyMy dad, mom, sister Lisa (standing), and me (my dad is holding me)

This is me

Me and my older sister Lisa

My older sister, Lisa on the left, our little sister, Stacey in the middle and me on the right.

Does anyone go to their family reunions every year??? Well we are having our first family reunion this weekend with my dad's side. It has been many years since we have had a reunion with the Williams side of my family. So we cousin's got together via Facebook and got the ball rolling on a reunion that we are all so excited about. I don't know if any of you lose contact with cousins, aunts, uncles etc. that you were close with when you were young and then to be reunited and start reminiscing about the days gone by. But I have been able to reconnect with a lot of my cousins through Facebook and we have had a ball going down memory lane with comments, posting old pics and telling about funny pranks that were played. It has really gotten me thinking about my kids and grandchildren and how I really want them to know a part of my heritage and maybe they can carry on this tradition. We are gonna try and plan a reunion once a year and probably it will be around Memorial Day since this has been the time that most everyone is available.

This is me on left and my cousin "Snooge" (her real name is Vonda) who I spent all summer with most summers until I was about 15.

My dad in the back row far left with all his brother's and my pawpaw in the back middle

The lady on the stool was the heart of this family, my Granny Williams as I called her. With her daughters.

I am really excited about seeing my cousins that I hung with when I was young. Then to get to hear all the stories that my aunts and uncles will tell will sure to have everyone sitting quietly and waiting to hear what happens next. I want my children and grandchildren to be able to sit around and tell about their extended family and to be able to carry on those memories when we as parents are gone.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Thursday's Baby, Ada LeeAnn Parker

Miss Ada was Thursday's Baby at the hospital. The hospital honors the first baby born at the beginning of their week. So she got to have her first TV debute when she was not even a day old. They treated her to a photo shoot and she was on the news. I did this video with my camera. She is the second baby on the video!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Ada LeeAnn Has Arrived!!!

Ada LeeAnn Parker

I love how she pokes out her bottom lip. She already has us all wrapped!!!!

At 12:55 am today, May 20, 2010 weighing in at 8 pounds 2 ounces and 20 3/4 inches long Miss Ada came into the world. The delivery went well except for the epidural wore off right when it was time to start pushing but thankfully it only took 45 min. and everyone is healthy!!! The pediatrician said she was in excellent health. Ada was the first baby to be born on the first day of the hospitals work week so she is Thursday Baby. Which means she will be on the news tonight, had a photo shoot and will be in the local paper. She is already pretty famous in our eyes and now she will be even more famous! Ha!

BreeAnn did such a GREAT job with her labor considering she did experience ALOT of the pain due to Ada deciding to turn face up while BreeAnn labored so that called for lots and lots of lower back labor. But she was so brave through it all and her labor last about 6 hours. Dad was a trooper also, I think he was more nervous than BreeAnn and he is just overjoyed.

Now I can't not post pics of Ada with her MeMe and Papa since my blog is named MeMe's Ink. After all, my blog is all about family and being a fulltime MeMe. Can you tell I'm a little proud with that cheesy grin?

Proud Aril, Aunt Ashley, and Aunt Tori

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

It's Great Being A MeMe!!

Well, lets just say I'm in trouble with one of my daughters. She has informed me that I need to post more often than every other month. Oh and to stay OFF Facebook. Ha!!! It's not that I don't have anything to write about because I do. It's just by the time my grand babies leave I am just ready to relax and do nothing!!! Ha. Anyway, life around our house is definitely busy, fun, and interesting. I have Tuff every day during the week and Harrison comes once or twice a week.

Boogs is here to help during the day, which helps since these babies love their papa. Also, with BreeAnn due anytime now and trying to go to doctors appts. with her it's getting really interesting. Our little Ada will be here anytime now. She is technically due on May 26th but as you know babies have minds of their own so it could be any day.

We did get her nursery finished this past weekend and I think it turned out so precious! It is definitely a room for a princess. I think Tuff and Harrison are going to love her to death. (eventually!! Ha!!) WE will see.

My days are so full now and I wouldn't have it any other way. I look forward to seeing these boys everyday. Victoria is a really big help when she gets home in the afternoon and Tuff and Harrison just love her to death.
I have been sick a lot since Easter along with my Boogs. I had a 4 day stomach virus during Easter then 2 weeks ago I come down with a sinus infection and then my ears were clogged and then I ended up with a Stye!!! Go figure!! Anyway, after 2 rounds of antibiotics I am finally getting over all this sickness.
Ashley and Jordan bought a house and they have been so generous to host our last 2 family get togethers there which has been really nice. We had mother's Day dinner on Saturday at their house and we really had a great time. And then on Sunday we went to BreeAnn and Will's for a Mother's Day lunch and me and Ada's Nana put the finishing touches on Ada's room. So my weekend was full but great!

I have a few projects to get done around here, since I am done (for now) with some painting projects at Ashley's new house and getting Ada's nursery done, so I hope to start those in a few weeks. I plan on repainting my kitchen along with my kitchen cabinets, painting the spare room and bathroom. So I am going to try and do at least the kitchen before little Miss Ada gets here. Wish me luck!!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

I Am Blessed!!!

Happy Mother's Day!!!!

I hope all the mother's and mother's to be had a wonderful Mother's Day!!! I know I had the best Mother's Day weekend.

My girls are my heart!!! They are just so special to me and all 4 of them have grown into such special young women/mothers.

They each gave me such sweet cards/gifts. They went together and got me a new Chandelier for my dining room. Thank you so much girls....

Me and my girls

This picture is sooooo US!!!! When we try to get pictures as a group, in our family, it is ALWAYS chaotic!!!!

I love the coloring in this picture. I had already changed out of my good clothes into my painting clothes so that's why I am in overalls covered in paint. But I love this pic anyway.

This is Victoria, my 12 year old and she has grown up so fast this past year. I am so proud of her and the young lady she is becoming.

And Happy Mother's Day to my Mother and Mother-in-law....

My mother is my HERO!! I miss her so much every single day and I missed her even more today. I love you mama and I hope you had a Blessed Mother's Day.

And I couldn't ask for a sweeter Mother-in-law....Thank you mom for being there for me and loving me like a daughter. I love you. Happy Mother's Day

Sunday, May 2, 2010

BreeAnn's Baby Shower

We had a baby shower for BreeAnn and Will today to welcome little Ada LeeAnn into the world. Even though she's not here yet she is definetely already loved by many.
The sweet pink gown above left is Ada's gown that she will be wearing home from the hospital.Sisters....April wasn't able to make today due to some minor medical issues going on so we really missed her. The loyal "Fwend", as we call her. This is BreeAnn's bestie, Haley

BreeAnn with Nana

Ashley and BreeAnn

MeMe, Nana (Will's mom) with BreeAnnGreat Nana, MeMe, BreeAnn, Nana, and Granny Table with the guest book along with a picture of Ada's ultrasound.The gift table

Pink cupcakes and thumbprint cookies

This sweet diaper cake complete with a Tutu!!! How fun!! One of BreeAnn's sweet friends mom made this for her.

Nana had these sweet bloomers and bid monogrammed for her first grandchild which is also her first girl. She has 3 boys. Oh boy is she in for it.

My sweet Tuff playing peek a boo with his great Nana

This sweet pail with Ada's name was precious!

Ashley made Ada's name to go above her crib.
We only have about a month to go before Miss Ada makes her appearance into this world and I think we are all ready to welcome her.